CREC Aerospace Wins First and Third at 2017 Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair
(Windsor, CT) The CREC Academy of Aerospace and Engineering captured first and third place in the physical sciences division of the 2017 Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair at Quinnipiac University. Senior High Team members, Chris Rinaldi, Vishakh Talanki and Jean Pasato won first place for testing the effect of aerodynamic leaf design on electrical power generation through a network of vertically aligned micro wind turbines. Senior High School teammates, Janine Albert and Chandni Patel, won third place for their work with polymer blends. Other students who were recognized or participated include:
Finalist – Jay Aindow
2nd Honors – Nikhil Bhat
Arshad Bhura, Malavika Madan, and Alexa Wilson – Pfizer Life Sciences Award- Finalist Life Science Senior High Team – CSF medallion
Preksha Gupta, Artem Boyko, and Zirui Hao
Alexandra Smith and Sreenidhi Nair
Marissa Guzzo – Award from the Society for In Vitro Biology
Jason Vailionis – Mu Alpha Theta Award
Brianna Mailloux
Ashley Shafran
Spencer Scutt
Kyla Thomas
The Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair is a yearly, statewide science and engineering fair open to all students in 7th through 12th grades residing, or enrolled, in Connecticut schools and Fishers Island. An important objective of the program is to attract young people to careers in science and engineering while developing skills essential to critical thinking. Through science fair participation, students are encouraged to pursue independent work using proper research methods. About 120 schools and regional fairs send students to the CSEF. These students compete for the 600 available spaces at the state fair.