Grade 1 Social Studies

What your child will learn and do in Grade 1 Social Studies

In grade one,  Social Studies focuses on students’ investigation of “Society and ourselves.” Students will explore their place in the world around them building on their work in Kindergarten and expanding perspective beyond themselves.  Through comparison of family, school, and community, students will explore multiple perspectives from the past and today. Four units of study will help students make personal connections to Civics, Economics, Geography and History as a way to build foundational skills in Social Studies.  Within each unit of study, both student-centered inquiry and literacy connections will be embedded into lessons. Activities in these areas include: 

  • Identifying characteristics and examples of good citizenship

  • Locating major features on maps and globes

  • Explaining how families contribute to a community 

  • Discussing how holidays, customs, and celebrations have changed over time

  • Identifying the difference between man-made and natural geographic features

  • Describing the difference between a producer and a consumer

  • Recognizing how weather can affect people’s lives and their structures

  • Using a combination of drawing, speaking, and writing to describe an event, give information about a topic, or share an opinion

  • Taking part in shared reading, writing, and research projects

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Make your child aware of age-appropriate current events. Discuss current events and encourage your child to watch the news and/or read the newspaper.

  • Visit museums, zoos, theaters, historical sites, aquariums, and other educational places to help increase your child’s exposure to new knowledge and vocabulary.

  • Encourage your child to read stories, books, or biographies based on your native culture or others. Read the same book as your child and discuss it.

  • Encourage your child to explain his/her projects to you or practice a presentation the night before it is due.

  • Share family traditions, stories, and culture with your child. Encourage your child to interview family members such as grandparents to learn family history.  

  • Use real-life opportunities to develop an understanding of geography concepts and map skills.

  • Encourage cooperative play at home. Play family games that require a partnership or teamwork.  

  • Encourage service and responsibility. Either through school or as a family, your child can experience providing service to others and/or being a responsible citizen through community giving.  


To access the full version of the CREC Grade 1 Curriculum Guide, click here.
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