Grade 4 Social Studies

What your child will learn and do in Grade 4 Social Studies

In grade four, students will focus on United States Geography in Social Studies. Students will engage in an exploration of different geographic regions of the United States.   For the purposes of this course, the curriculum is organized into 4 US regions; The Northeast, The South, The Midwest, and The West.  Included in the study of US regions is a focus on different themes and content such as: physical and human geography, map skills, ecosystems and waterways, culture, immigration, monuments, and settlement patterns. The Geography focus in 4th Social Studies also provides opportunities for connections with other content areas including science, art, and music.  Frequently, Social Studies is integrated with ELA and writing, as teachers find natural connections and include appropriate leveled texts.   Students will have a broad understanding of major themes and geographical concepts of the US as a result of this course.  The United States geography will also help them to prepare for 5th grade where they begin their study of American History. Activities in these areas include:

  • Learning the different states and regions of the U.S. and key geographic features.

  • Learning how culture and people influence the development of a region

  • Reading historical fiction and nonfiction texts that help them to understand what defines a region

  • Comparing and contrasting settlements and geographical areas, past and present

  • Reading texts about history and social studies and answering text-based questions about what was learned

  • Identifying regions and geographical elements on maps and comparing and contrasting how they have changed over time

  • Working to gather information from various sources  and then presenting information on the researched topic

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Make your child aware of current events. Discuss current events and encourage your child to watch the news and/or read the newspaper.

  • Look at maps and globes to identify where places are on the map

  • Visit museums, zoos, theaters, historical sites, aquariums, and other educational places to help increase your child’s exposure to new knowledge and vocabulary.

  • It is helpful when your child sees other people reading at home. Encourage your child to read stories, books, or biographies based on your native culture or others. Read the same book as your child and discuss it.

  • Have your child verbally explain his/her project to you or practice the presentation the night before it is due

  • Share family traditions, stories, and culture with your child. Encourage your child to interview family members such as grandparents to learn family history.  

  • Use real-life opportunities to develop understanding of geography concepts and map skills. 

  • Encourage service and responsibility. Either through school or as a family, your child can experience providing service to others and/or being a responsible citizen through community giving.   


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