CREC Schools can assist school counselors and educators from schools across Greater Hartford who have questions about advising potential students. Here, we answer some common questions and provide contact information to help you get the specific information you seek.

What kinds of schools are available through CREC?

CREC Schools offer a theme-based approach to learning and serve students from age 3 through high school. For more information, view Our Schools.

Who may apply to CREC Schools?

Any student in Connecticut can apply. Students are selected through a placement process managed by the Regional School Choice Office.

What is the application process like?

The application form is straightforward. Families are asked to complete basic demographic information and rank up to five school choices.

When are applications due?

The on-time application period for the 2025-2026 school year opens on December 3rd, 2024, and closes on February 7th, 2025. Submitting an application during the on-time period is one of the best ways to increase the chance of a placement offer.

The late application will open in mid-March on a limited basis by school and grade. Please log in to your RSCO account for up-to-date information to see if our school is still accepting applications during this period.

Get more information by calling the CREC Welcome Center at 860-509-3700, or by calling the Regional Schools Choice Office at (860) 713-6990.

If my student was placed on a waitlist and did not get into a school, do I need to apply again?

Yes, you must apply every year to be entered in the lottery.

Does my child need to be toilet trained to attend a CREC school preschool program?

The CT State Department of Public Health guidelines for eary childhood education programs state that it is expected that children attending a public school preschool program will be able to independently toilet themeselves unless there is a special education need.

Are all preschool students required to pay tuition?

No, not all preschool students are required to pay tuition. Families who qualify for free and reduced lunch will not be charged preschool tuition. However, tuition will be charged to current and newly enrolled preschool students for the 2024-25 school year if their family's gross annual household income exceeds 75% of the State Median Income (SMI). The State of Connecticut's SMI chart will be used to determine if a family is required to pay tuition.  Full details can be found below.

PreK Tuition Letter 24-25 - English
PreK Tuition Letter 24-25 - Spanish

Do CREC Schools have sibling priority?

CREC schools offer a sibling priority to families of currently enrolled students. If you currently have a child enrolled in a CREC school and would like to apply to a CREC school for another child, please click HERE to learn more about the sibling priority policy. Please note, CREC will verify all information received for sibling priority requests. A request for sibling priority is not a guarantee of a placement offer. Placement offers are based on seat availability in the requested grade and school.

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