Much of the learning at CREC Schools takes place outside of the traditional classroom. For example, our Greater Harford Academy of Mathematics and Science robotics team, the Pirates of the Pythagorean, recently won the Rookie All-Star Award at the FIRST Regional Robotics competition in Hartford.
Whether it’s students at Two Rivers Magnet Middle School exploring the terrestrial habitat on the Connecticut and Hockanum rivers or students at the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts attending a play at a theater in the community, there’s much to see and do.
Activities take place both during the school day and as part of extracurricular activities on the evenings and weekends. Other activities include:
Museum trips
NASA Explorer program
Artist-in-resident programs
Theatrical and musical performances
Career-focused internship opportunities
Mentoring with professionals
Robotics/electronics competitions
Athletics available at middle school and high school levels