Grade 1 Mathematics

What your child will learn and do in Grade 1 Mathematics

In grade one, students work with whole numbers and place value. This includes grouping numbers into tens and ones as they learn to add and subtract up through 20. Activities in these areas include:

  • Quickly and accurately adding numbers together that total up to 10 or fewer, and subtracting from numbers up through 10

  • Adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number (45 + 9)

  • Adding a two-digit number and a multiple of ten (54 + 20)

  • Subtracting a multiple of 10 from a multiple of 10 (80 – 30)

  • Comparing two-digit numbers based on place value using the symbols > (more than), equal to (=), and < (less than)

  • Understanding the meaning of the equal sign (=) and determining if statements involving addition and subtraction are true or false (for example, which of the following statements are true? 3+3=6, 4+1=5+2)

  • Measuring the lengths of objects using a smaller object (for example, measuring a pencil with paper clips)

  • Putting objects in order from longest to shortest or shortest to longest

  • Collecting and organizing data and answering questions about more, less, or how many

  • Telling time and writing time to the hour and half-hour

  • Understanding defining attributes of shapes (number of sides is defining; color is non-defining)

  • Dividing circles and rectangles into halves and quarters

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Play math games with your child to build fluency. For example, using a deck of cards, deal two cards and ask your child to add the two numbers before you do. Whoever says the total first, keeps the cards.

  • Encourage your child to read and write numbers in different ways. For example, what are some ways that you can make the number 15? 15 can be 10+5, 7+8, 20-5, or 5+5+5.

  • Have your child create story problems to represent addition, subtraction, and comparisons. For example, if you open a carton of eggs and take out seven, ask, “How many are left in the carton?”

  • Have your child tell the time on the clock when you sit down to dinner or breakfast.

  • Encourage your child to stick with it whenever a problem seems difficult. 

Helping Your Child with Homework by asking questions or making suggestions 

  • Can you do some easier problems and go back to this one after?

  • What part of the problem is giving you trouble?

  • Let's read the problem together and make sure we understand what it is asking.

  • Can we draw a picture of the problem? 

  • Can we make up an easier problem that is similar to this? Then we can work our way up to this one.

  • Let’s take a 10 minute break and come back to this one.


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