CREC Athletics Update
Following is a list of sports which are planned to be offered during the school year at the high school and middle school levels at Aerospace, Comp Sci, Innovation and International pending participation interest. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS ARE OFFERED AT THE GREATER HARTFORD ARTS ACADEMY MS OR HS.
Sport Offerings
High School (AAE, ASI, CS & INT)
Middle School (AAE, ASI, CS & INT)
(September - November)
Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Volleyball
Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Volleyball
(December - March)
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Indoor Track
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Indoor Track
(March - June)
Track and Field
Boys Tennis (AAE Only)
Track and Field
Flag Football
School announcements will be made prior to the end of the school year and before each season informing students and parents of the procedure for students to sign up for a particular sport.

Video Links-
Bullying and Hazing
Team Captains and Leadership
Success Mindset for Athletes
Transition from Middle School to High School Sports
Navigating Social Media
Collaborating with Parents
Short Term Targets, Long Term Goals
Success Mindset for Coaches