As a result of the ongoing industry and national economic challenges that everyone is facing, we continue to face these same challenges with supply chain shortages. This has resulted in occasional product changes/substitutions and even limited or no availability on some of our regular products. We are also experiencing labor shortages and are doing our best to provide services under difficult circumstances at times, so please bear with us.
Great news !!
All CREC sponsored meal programs will be operating under the Community Eligibility Provision again during the 2024-25 school year and all meals will be served at no charge to students!!

Meal Programs/Sponsorship
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally assisted meal program operating in public and nonprofit private schools and residential child care institutions. It provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to children each school day. CREC also offers breakfast, after-school snack programs, and summer meals in some schools. CREC Food Services ensures that all meals served meet age-appropriate nutritional guidelines and that all federal, state, and local regulations are being met. CREC is the sponsor for meal programs in most locations; however, some CREC sites are sponsored by other School Food Authorities. Coordination of meal programs among the different sponsors and towns is handled by the Food Service Program Coordinator. Please contact the Food Service Program Coordinator if you have questions about sponsorship.
Payment for Meals
Online prepayments are available to parents for a la carte items for CREC ( and in many non-CREC sponsored town online payment portals. Look under the “For Parents and Students” section for your school at the website for more meal program and payment information. Parents/students may also pay at the school, but prepayments are highly preferred.
Click HERE for CREC's Meal Charging Policy
Menus and specific meal program information for individual schools
Menus, meal application information, meal payment information, and some policies are different for most schools, depending on whether CREC or another town is sponsoring the meal program. It is important that you go directly to your child’s school website at and look under the “For Parents & Students” section in the left panel, and then select “Menus & Meal Program Info” to get accurate information and instructions that is specific for each school.
Contact Information:
Kayleen Perez
Food Services Program
Operations Department
CREC (Capitol Region Education
55 Van Dyke Ave. Hartford, CT 06106
O: 860-509-3793 |C:
Email: [email protected]/
Jeff Sidewater
Food Services Program Consultant
Operations Department
CREC (Capitol Region Education Council)
55 Van Dyke Ave. Hartford, CT 06106
O: 860-509-3774 |F: 860-524-4001
Email: [email protected] /