CONNECTICUT - CT School Meals at no cost to families is a USDA federally-funded program administered by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and provides free nutritious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks to children 18-years of age and younger, no questions asked at most sites. This year, through federal waivers, many sites have the added flexibilities to improve access to meals, including: allowing parents and guardians to pick up meals; offering multiple meals (breakfast and lunch, or meals for multiple days) during one pick-up; and allowing those meals to be consumed off-site. This is through June 2021!
All children age 18-and-under can receive meals at no cost. Your local school district needs your support to continue to feed the children of Connecticut. If you already enjoy school meals we thank you and ask that you reach out to a friend or family member for them to try too. If you have never tried a school meal now is the time to go out and support your local community and school!
Parents/Guardians should double check with their local school district and the CSDE List of participating districts.
SNACT Contacts:
Erica Biagetti, 2020-2021 President, [email protected]
Denise Di Mare, Executive Director, [email protected]