Inclement Weather

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The inclement weather procedure for the Regional School Choice Office (RSCO) transportation is different from most school districts. It is important that all families understand the procedure outlined below. If for any reason you have questions about this procedure, please contact us at: 860-524-4077 or [email protected].

Student safety is our first priority. Buses will always operate slower when there are poor road conditions. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and cooperation during these challenging days. RSCO Transportation customer service call volume is extremely high during inclement weather. Our primary focus will be to respond to calls that are about lengthy bus delays, buses that didn’t arrive, and true emergencies.

You can find information about school delays, closings, and early dismissals on local radio stations, television channels (WFSB-3, FOX61, WTNH-8, and NBC30) and the Internet at and

 1. Magnet Schools and / or districts have a delayed opening.  1. Transportation will be delayed. If your child's bus serves multiple districts. the magnet school or district with the longest delay will be followed.

For example: If students from Bloomfield and Windsor are brought to Classical Magnet School in Hartford on one bus and Hartford Public Schools is starting school on time, Bloomfiled has a two-hour delay, and Windsor has a 90-minute delay, then the bus will run on a two-hour delay becasue that is the longest delay on that bus route.
 1. All magnet schools and districts are closed.
2. Only Hartford Public Schools are closed and remaining magnet schools and / or districts are open.
3. Hartford Public Schools are open and some magnet schools and / or districts are closed.
1. No transportaion is provided.

2. No transportation is provided.

3. Transportation will be provided to and from magnet schools and / or districts that are open.
 1. Magnet schools and / or districts have an early dismissal.

1. Transportation will be provided using the following early dismissal schedule:
  -Secondary (MS/HS) bus routes 11:00 a.m.
  -Elementary bus routes at 12:15 p.m.

For example: If your child's bus serves multiple districts on its route and at least one district has an early dismissal, than all the students on that bus route will be released early.

Bus route information is available at

We want to make sure these guidelines are clear and helpful. Please do not wait for inclement weather to occur to get answers to your questions. If for any reason you have questions about this procedure, please contact us at: 860-524-4077 or [email protected]

We look forward to working with you to ensure a safe ride for your child.

2019 2020 RSCO Transportation Inclement Weather Letter


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