Grade 5 Mathematics

What your child will learn and do in Grade 5 Mathematics

In grade five students build their understanding of the place value system by working with decimals up to the hundredths place. Students add, subtract, and multiply fractions, including fractions with unlike denominators. They continue to expand their geometry and measurement skills, learning the concept of volume. Activities in these areas include:

  • Quickly and accurately multiplying multi-digit whole numbers

  • Dividing numbers with up to four digits by two-digit numbers

  • Using exponents to express powers of 10 (in 102, 2 is the exponent)

  • Reading, writing, and comparing decimals to the thousandths place

  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals to the hundredths place

  • Writing and interpreting mathematical expressions using symbols such as parentheses. For example, “add 8 and 7, then multiply by 2” can be written as 2×(8+7).

  • Evaluating numerical expressions that might include parentheses. For example, 4+6x8 or 4x(3+7)

  • Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators by converting them to fractions with matching denominators

  • Multiplying fractions by whole numbers and other fractions

  • Dividing fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by fractions

  • Analyzing and determining relationships between numerical patterns

  • Understanding and finding the volume of rectangular prisms

  • Converting measurements and solving word problems involving conversions

  • Graphing points on a coordinate graph in order to solve problems

  • Classifying 2-dimensional shapes using their properties. For example, all squares are rectangles; not all rectangles are squares.

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Use everyday objects to allow your child to explore the concept of fractions. For example, have your child divide a candy bar (or a healthy snack) between three people. Ask, “How much does each person receive?” (Each person would receive 1⁄3). Suppose there are three candy bars that you plan to share with two friends. Have your child describe the amount that each person will receive.

  • Have your child explain how to write fractions in different ways. For example, what are some different ways to write 4⁄3? He or she could answer: 4÷3, 1 1⁄3, 2⁄3 + 2⁄3, 2 x 2⁄3, 8⁄6, 4 x 1⁄3, etc.

  • Ask your child to give you a fraction equal to a decimal. For example, what are two fractions that can be used to represent 0.6?   Answers could include 6⁄10, 60⁄100, 12⁄20, or 3⁄5.

  • Have your child calculate the bill when you go out to eat, adding the price of each person’s meal.

  • Play games that encourage math skills.  Some examples: Battleship, Cribbage, Krypto, Mankalah, Monopoly, Yahtzee

Helping Your Child with Homework by asking questions or making suggestions 

  • Can you do some easier problems and go back to this one after?

  • What part of the problem is giving you trouble?

  • Let's read the problem together and make sure we understand what it is asking.

  • Can we draw a picture of the problem? 

  • Can we make up an easier problem that is similar to this? Then we can work our way up to this one.

  • Let’s take a 10 minute break and come back to this one.

  • What did your teacher say about this assignment?


To access the full version of the CREC Grade 5 Curriculum Guide, click here.
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