Kindergarten Mathematics

What your child will learn and do in Kindergarten Mathematics

In kindergarten, students develop an understanding of numbers and what they represent. They apply strategies for quickly counting sets of objects, producing sets of a given size, and counting numbers in combined sets. These important strategies enable students to build foundational computation skills and use addition and subtraction to solve problems involving sets of objects and equations. Students also learn to identify shapes and use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to model objects in their environment and to construct more complex shapes. Activities in these areas include:

  • Counting to 100 by ones and tens and writing numbers 0 – 20 

  • Counting how many objects are in a group and comparing the quantities of two groups of objects

  • Comparing two numbers to identify which is greater or less than the other

  • Understanding addition as putting together and subtraction as taking apart 

  • Representing and solving addition and subtraction word problems involving numbers that add up to 10 or fewer, or that involve subtracting from a number 10 or fewer

  • Adding and subtracting very small numbers quickly and accurately

  • Breaking up numbers fewer than or equal to 10 in more than one way (for example, 9=6+3 and 9=5+4)

  • For any number from 1 to 9, finding the missing quantity that is needed to reach 10

  • Describing objects based on their measures (light/heavy, short/tall) and comparing two objects based on these measures

  • Describing the position and location of objects

  • Identifying, describing, and comparing shapes, including identifying whether they are two-dimensional (“flat”) or three-dimensional (“solid”)

Helping your child learn outside of school:    

  • Use everyday objects to allow your child to count and group a collection of objects. Compare two groups of objects.  Ask “Who has more?”

  • Have your child create story problems to represent addition and subtraction of small numbers. For example, “Ann had eight balloons. Then she gave three away, so she only had five left.”

  • Play Simon Says with your child using position words. For example, “Simon says put your hands above your head.”

  • Go on a shape hunt around your house or neighborhood. Have your child find and name different shapes

  • Encourage your child to stick with it whenever a problem seems difficult. This will help your child see that everyone can learn math.

Helping Your Child with Homework by asking questions or making suggestions 

  • Can you do some easier problems and go back to this one after?

  • What part of the problem is giving you trouble?

  • Let's read the problem together and make sure we understand what it is asking.

  • Can we draw a picture of the problem? 

  • Can we make up an easier problem that is similar to this? Then we can work our way up to this one.

  • Let’s take a 10 minute break and come back to this one.


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